There is a recent Q & A with Lemmy (April 2009) in 'Spin Magazine' and one he did with an entertainment reporter at the Revolver awards.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Lemmy In The News
There is a recent Q & A with Lemmy (April 2009) in 'Spin Magazine' and one he did with an entertainment reporter at the Revolver awards.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Motörizer Widgetizer
This Motörizer widget has been out for a while but I thought it was pretty cool and wondered how many people had a chance to see this newer technology and promotional tool used by record companies. If you don't own the new CD 'Motörizer', you can preview all the songs using the widget.
Between you and me (and a few million on the web) I'm really likin' 'Teach you How to Sing the Blues' & 'English Rose' more and more. Give them a listen, but be ready for a new sound from the boys. It's not your typical Motörhead stuff. It reminds me of the album 'Another Perfect Day' and the tune they did for the movie 'Airheads' - 'Born to raise Hell'.
The tracklisting for "Motorizer" is as follows:
1. Runaround Man
2. Teach You How To Sing The Blues
3. When The Eagle Screams
4. Rock Out
5. One Short Life
6. Buried Alive
7. English Rose
8. Back On The Chain
9. Heroes
10. Time Is Right
11. The Thousand Names Of God
Form the videos to the blog and of course the music, I think this will be the way bands sell their CD's in the future. Hey it worked for me, I previewed the album and went out and bought it (Ya.. but who am I kiddin', I would've bought it anyway).
Maybe I'll run a web poll to see which songs from 'Motörizer' you like the best and how they rank.
Ace ♠
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Put Lemmy in the R&R Hall of Fame

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The 1983 Motörhead T-Shirt
I didn't really want to write a post about a freakn' t-shirt... but apparently it's garnered some-what of a mythical status over the years.
So, here she is.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Image Vs. Lifestyle

Let me begin with one simple question, what's with the Boy Scouts pledge? And what kind of imagery comes to mind when the script hits: 'we believe in dust and tumble weeds'? Where in the frick are you riding? And how does that make me want to buy a bike? Not once did I hear a voice in the ad that sounded like any of the bikers I know. Guys who ride just don't speak that way. And if there is a chick in the group, someone always pipes up "Show us your ti#s"!
Next time, just show me the new and innovative ways Harley engineers have designed their bikes so they don't leak oil, cost a bundle to fix and a pretty penny to upgrade ($250 - $500 plus dollars for a sissy bar & backrest).

Friday, May 15, 2009
"Lemmy: The Movie"
Here is an email I received from the production company. Sadly, no word yet on a release date. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for joining our list, your subscription was a success.
We'll keep you posted on the "LEMMY" film release and upcoming events.
If you have any questions about our emails or have any feedback of your own, hit us back.
The "LEMMY" Film Crew
Original Post
Get your earplugs, a case of Marlboro's and three bottles of Jack Daniels, because the life and career of Motorhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister is being celebrated in a new documentary titled "Lemmy: The Movie".
The movie is slated for release in the spring of 2009. Rumour has it, it was supposed to open in April or May. I subscribed to the production company's email list, so once they release the date I'll post it ASAP.
If you haven't seen the preview, take a look.
[Warning: Adult content - Lot's of F's]
Directed and produced by Greg Olliver and Wes Orshoski, the film was shot on HD video and super 16 mm. In other words... it should have a very gritty look and feel to it.
Here's what we can expect. The film's producers promise fans more access than ever before to Kilmister's life and includes interviews with current and former band members.
Also appearing in the film: Foo Fighters front man Dave Grohl, Velvet Revolver's Slash, the Clash's Mick Jones, Alice Cooper, Steve Vai and wrestling superstar Triple H.
In my opinion, this film is long overdue. I mean, when you think about it, Lemmy & Motorhead has truly defined heavy metal. For more than 40 years, Motorhead’s music has been hugely influential, laying the foundation for thrash, death & black metal and hardcore rockers.
How many times have you heard (and seen) Lars Ulrich of Metallica spew out his same sorry assed lines... "Man, if it weren't for Lemmy and Motorhead, there would be no Metallica". (I'm not sure, but I've got a feeling Lars may make another cameo)
It'll be like being in the seat next to Lemmy on the band's tour bus or being backstage at the theatre during a show... in essence a rare and behind the scenes chance to see Lemmy doing, what he does best... I can't frick'n wait.

When "Lemmy: The Movie" is released for sale on DVD, I can only imagine the drinking games that will no doubt, become a staple when me and my mates are watching it. For example, every time Lemmy 'flips the bird' or 'lights up a smoke'... we take a drink! Of course it'll have to be Jack & Coke. Yup, we'll be hammered by intermission!
Ace ♠
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What's in a Name
Rock Out or Motörizer
Like a fine wine, this trio gets better with age. Oh blow it out your as#... this is Motörhead we're talking about. The new album/CD "Motörizer" has been out for almost a year. It was released on August 26, 2008 under the label SPV and was produced by Motörhead & Cameron Webb.

After listening to the eleven mind-numbing tracks (transferred to my iPod as well, 'cause I can't get enough Motörhead), I will simply say that this disc is rock & roll the way it should be played!
With driving riffs and raw speed, "Rock Out" is 2:10 of speaker pounding, jaw rattling 'back to the basics' Motörhead. It, in my humble opinion, is the best track on the disc. "Runaround Man" gets my vote as a close second. And the more I listen the more I like 'English Rose' & 'Tech You How to Sing The Blues' (and I can't forget 'The Thousand Names of God')

Their 24th album/CD is the follow-up to 2006's "Kiss of Death". It was recorded at FOO FIGHTERS front man and former NIRVANA drummer, Dave Grohl's Studio in Los Angeles, California.

Why do I like it so much? Well it's simple, it sounds like Motörhead from days gone by... full speed ahead, right out of the gates. Mikkey Dee is pure! Like a twelve cylinder high performance Ferrari, speeding down the autobahn at breakneck speed. Phil Campbell seems to get better with every riff, with every strum of the strings. As for Lemmy, he's never sounded better and his lyrics are, as always, underrated but yet brilliant at times.
Which brings me to the reason I'm penning this post. What's with the name "Motörizer". I don't get it. I'm of the opinion this album/CD ranks right up there with some of their best. And those three of four album/CD's, were named after one of the tracks.
"Over Kill"
"Iron Fist"
Need I say more.
Hey, don't get me wrong "Motörizer" sounds pretty cool. It congers up the image of some kind of mechanical Snaggletöoth beast, ready to pounce on it's unsuspecting prey. Instead the cover is a coat of arms, a shield and a sword... what the f*% is that?!?! If it's Lemmy's family crest, my sincerest and deepest apologies. I mean no offence.
I mean, if you're going to design a cover & title that speaks to the bands legion of loyal & devoted followers, I think "Rock Out" or even the 6th track "Burned Alive" would've been a better choice as a title.
Hey... that's just one mans opinion and to be honest, I don't think Lemmy give a rat's as# about a silly album cover and title. Just pour the man another Jack & Coke, let him play some one armed bandits and he's happy!
Ace ♠
Monday, May 11, 2009
Lower Legs Painted

Here's a good shot of the front end and the new gators. I love the way they look on this bike. On some of the Nightsters they look compressed, not so on the '98.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Nice legs, Shame about the Face