Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Bunghole

I need to restock the beer fridge and I have found a new, favourite liquor store.

Ace ♠


Löst Jimmy said...

Great name for a booze shop!

Ace said...

It really is Jimmy, I enjoyed a good, hearty laugh when I saw that pic!

It was great to see you comment LJ, a thousand apologies for my lack luster blogging/correspondence as of late (hell for the last 5 months). I feel as if I've been living in a hamster wheel and I'm the rodent.

I did peruse a number of your posts and as per usual, enjoyed your creative penmanship/prose. Enjoy your weekend and take care.

Ace ♠

Löst Jimmy said...

No worries Ace, I find it hard to keep up with things myself. Best thing for me is knowing you are around and keeping up your own writing.

On a sad note. I've just had an email saying former Motorhead guitarist Wurzel passed away today.