I'm ashamed to say I couldn't get to it. Ya... I'm pi$$ed! There's really no excuse to miss such a kick a$$ band.

Apparently this is the first time they've been back since 'Satan was a schoolboy'. Does that mean I'm getting old?
Here's a review of the concert from a local paper.
Need more... here's a great photo gallery from a concert just the other night (on the same tour) from Edmon-chuck.

(That is a wicked photo of Kerry King)
Megadeth was also on the ticket.

From what I understand Dave Mustaine didn't disappoint. I believe he was just recently given the title as one of the greatest metal guitarist in the world, in Joel Mciver's new book 'The 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists'.
Say what you want... the guy can frickn' shred. Here's a link to a review of Joel's book (there's a ton out there).
Maybe I'll have a chance to see them again... hopefully it won't be another twenty years or so between shows.
Ace ♠