.The Tuesday Night Ride, or the TNR for me began with the Mandarin chicken salad. Hey... I was hungry! It was very nice. As were the scoots out for the ride. And what a night for a cruise, which of course always begins here at Le Garage Café.
It's only my second ride so I'm still meeting the regulars. Justin, whom I know through his wife (who cuts my hair) was out with his H-D Night Train.
He's done a few mods to his ride. A 2-into-1 pipe with a nice down turn.

Frickn' great sound when he cracks it!

H-D skull air cleaner, bags, a sissy and back rest for Crystal. And of course the gas cap from the old Sporty.

.And he's also got a GPS and iPod attachment that came with the bike. Handy for those long trips. The bike is all but set.

Ya... who we kiddn', we'll never stop addin' stuff.
As soon as I got off the Motorheadster and saw his ride, I immediately thought of the bike some say the Night Train was modeled after.

The bike of course derives it's name plate from the annual biker bash and August debauchery hoe-down south of the border known as the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. 
What a machine. I was in love. I saw the bike in Lawrence Bird's tiny shop in Brandon. For those who don't know Lawrence Bird, he is truly a legend in the Canadian Motorcycle world. 
Lawrence Bird Motorcycles
No matter what you rode, the size of your bike, your age or experience, Mr. Bird was always there to help, encourage and promote motorcycling (click on the link for more).
Back to TNR.
Ray mentioned he'd asked his dad to ride with us but the old man said, we're not bad enough!?!
Like who does he ride with... these guys?
He said quote: "The only thing we'd do that was bad, was to cash in expired gas coupons". LOL

Another rider who was at Le Garage but didn't hit the road with us was, I'll call him Paul #2.

This is his Harley Fat Boy.
There are a number of nice features on the FB, like the flamed fork covers, 2-into-2 pipes and signals.

Sales went through the roof after that movie and H-D could barley keep these bikes on the showroom floor.

I love the look of those wide 'steer horn / beach bars'.
(Paul #1's Fat Boy)
Paul Y. eventually made an appearance.

He picked up the title 'Unibomber' because he was cold and pulled his hoodie up like Phil Laak the poker pro.
I don't think they were referring to this guy!
Don pulled up on his bagger.

He had Johnny Cash just a blarin'. Love it!

Awesome!!! You just don't get many chances to use that pic of 'The Man in Black' 
I like the minimalist look of Don's bagger, lean and clean and black!
Another couple I had never met, but had the pleasure to ride with, were Scott & Lucy. Here's Scott's Soft Tail.

Check out the forward controls. Scott apparently just put em' on.

Wicked! Exactly Wicked Image (if I heard correctly) forward controls, nice dude! Gnarly!
From the candy paint, to the front end and pull back risers, all in show chrome... this bike was made for cruise night.

Custom air cleaner and 2-into-2 (V&H by the looks of it) nicely turned down as well.
I only caught the tail end of the conversation but Ray says Scott is a dish washer at the Keg and he's also oversees three of the restaurants in the city.

Wow, who knew a dish washer could handle that kind of responsibility or make that kinda' dough... and still wash dishes at the shop! (Kiddn')

Lucy said this was her ride, I think she was pullin' my leg. No matter... with her out, there was finally a sense of class associated with our Mötley Crüe. .
So, we head south from Le Garage. And on the way we pass a billboard with a local TV news guy on it. Ray mentioned we should climb up there with a few rattle cans.

I'll save you the trouble, Photoshop is easier (and you won't go to jail). Man I hate that guy!

The lovely village of St. Agathe welcomed us on this ride. Another beutiful old church. I could've drove all night... it was that kinda' evening.
Speaking of old churches... that reminds me of my off roadn' adventure chronicled in my post Sunday Run. I need a quick thumb release like Justin's. Yup, next purchase.

Here's our final stop for the night, Billy Miners hang out. If you're reading this Joel, you missed another great ride.

For $hit$ & giggles we should invite that TV news dude out!
Ya, he probably rides this.
.And I bet his favourite band is Wham. Did I mention I hate that guy. ;)