Thursday, October 8, 2009

TNR Done For The Season

We've officially pulled the plug on TNR (Tuesday Night Ride). Crap, that means winter is just around the corner.

Where has the summer gone? It seems like only yesterday that the bikes were lined up outside the restaurant and we were chiding each other on our latest escapades before we hit the road for a night of cruisn'.

The trees out front of Le Garage have lost their foliage and we've lost our nights on the open road. That feeling of oneness with your machine, that sense of freedom from the mundane... the, OH GET ON WITH IT!

Right, sorry.

I thought I'd post a big Motörheadster "F&%k'n A" to all the boys who rode with us this year.

In no testicular order, here goes.











This TNR season was a blast. Met a lot of great people, rode some scenic routes and enjoyed a few great meals at Le Garage. Zoiks Scoob... you know what's next! The white stuff.

You know what those old bikers do now... that's right they take part time jobs as shopping mall Santa's.

Frick, there's always one die hard... give it up already Santa. The riding seasons only about seven months away. 7 LONG, MIND NUMBING, RIDE-LESS, STUCK IN THE HOUSE, MONTHS AWAY!!!

Oh well, that's why they invented booze. Cheers boys!

Ace ♠

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