The Murder City Maidens Roller Derby team, took part in their maiden match 02/27/2010.
The team has been in the works for close to 2 years (practicing and recruiting skaters) and 'First Blood' marked the return of roller derby to the River City after a 30 year absence.
The ladies played host to the 'Babes of Thunder' from Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada.
The match sold out a few weeks in advance.

Check it... close to 3000 people packed the stands to check out the rock em' sock em' action. I know, that's wicked!
The action was fast paced. The track announcers were great in explaining the game and calling the match. The cheerleaders ruled... and the game was awesome.
Did I mention it was a real rough one. The elbows, knees and forearms were flyin' all over the track. I'm sure the ladies were black & blue for a couple of days after the event.

Lovin' it!
(midway score)
The match made headlines in the local papers as well. And earlier in the year, the ladies were promoting the WRD league at a car show called the Roadkill Rod-Up Car Show (lamunique127 took the snaps).
Let's just say... the 'Babes' needed that wheelchair after the game.
And these babes were with the 'Rookie' team, who took to the floor after the main event.
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